Contraction Timer & Counter 9m

Contraction Timer & Counter 9m

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  • Requires Android
Join the millions who trust the world's top downloaded Contraction Timer app! Ranked number one in countries like the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Italy, and beyond!

This user-friendly contraction timer is designed to assist you in monitoring your contractions and determining the right moment to head to the hospital. For those considering a home birth, it offers insights into what stage of labor you are experiencing at any time.

By simply tapping a button at the beginning and end of each contraction, you'll be able to keep an accurate record of your labor. The Contraction Timer evaluates the frequency and duration of your contractions, alerting you when it’s time to seek medical assistance.

Countless women around the globe have relied on our app to guide them through their journey to motherhood.

It is essential to always consult with your healthcare provider regarding the frequency and duration of your contractions. Please remember, this app is not a substitute for medical devices, and our guidance is founded upon typical indicators. Every labor experience can differ, so do not depend solely on our app.

If the timing and length of your contractions don’t align with what’s considered necessary but you feel significant pain, it may be wise to visit the hospital sooner rather than later, rather than risk giving birth at home or en route. Trust your body's instincts.

If you have any questions or feedback, we would love to hear from you at Your input means a lot to us.